Smart Eye and Greater Than partner to advance vehicle safety through driver risk analytics and driver monitoring technology Read more
Image of code and two modules of the data visualized in diagrams and numbers

One API, endless data opportunities

  • Quick set-up
  • Powerful data analytics
  • Valuable insights

Get started

Isometric illustration of two cars connected to a machine analysing driver data. The machine has a layer of AI on top adding data to the analysis.

Understand global driving risk, from a single integration

At Greater Than, we believe in using the power of AI technology to help you get the most out of your GPS data. That’s why, via a single API connection, you can uncover game-changing crash probability and climate impact insights from anywhere in the world. Optimize driver risk management, achieve insurance profitability, manage sustainability & ESG reporting, and monetize your GPS data.

Easy setup, comprehensive results

We know time is precious, and that’s why we don’t waste yours with a lengthy set-up process. Simply subscribe to the product(s) you want, and we’ll share your API key. This opens the door to a wealth of new opportunities to take your business to new heights. Be ready to go in a matter of minutes!

How to get started

Picture of two modules showing driving data

Data returned to you via API or iframes

Only visualize what you need! Driving risk insights are delivered through a product that suits your needs, whether it’s a dynamic dashboard displaying risk insights across a whole driving population, a hands-on risk management tool or summary reports for risk/ sustainability management and streamlined ESG reporting.

Visualize your data

Contact us

Get in touch for more information about how our API works and how to get up and running in no time.