Smart Eye and Greater Than Reveal the Extent to Which ADDW Alerts Influence Driver Risk Read press release
13 November 2019

Mission Innovation 100 selected Greater Than

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Greater Than has honorable been selected as the top 100 one of Mission Innovation 100 global innovative clean energy solutions. The solutions will each have the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 10 million CO2 e/year or more by 2030 and/or be of strategic importance.

Mission Innovation is a global initiative consisting of 24 countries and the European Commission and is also the initiator of the 1.5°C Compatible Solutions Framework, which aims to help public and private investors find the technologies that have the greatest potential to tackle climate change and limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

As being appointed to this list, Greater Than provide Artificial Intelligence that understand and price risk per car in real-time, decrease CO2 emission on average by more than 17%
and helping auto insurance carriers to improve loss ratio and supporting automotive OEMs with behavioral based pricing for new mobility.

Read more about Mission Innovation and the 1.5°C Compatible Solutions Framework at