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16 August 2022
3 min read

Getting a grasp on corporate mobility with AI

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Data intelligence is a key driver in the success of corporate mobility

The demand is there for corporate mobility. Society is asking for it. Global sustainability movements are calling for solutions that deliver. Employees are seeking alternative ways to get around. But how can businesses embrace it?

Corporate mobility is an alternative transportation strategy for companies, especially those concerned about the well-being of employees. It involves adopting smarter, more sustainable ways for employees to get to and from work, and to travel on business.

Broadening how you look at transportation

Let me say at the outset, implementing a corporate mobility strategy is not an overnight task. Most of us, me included, have only known “single purpose” vehicles throughout our adult lives. That is a natural barrier to innovative thinking. However, just like with driver risk and eco-driving, technology is the facilitator for new solutions that are transforming business operations.

One of the most important things to keep in mind with corporate mobility is convenience. If employees are going to consider other transportation options, they need to be easy-to-access. And reliable.

Diverse transportation models

Traditionally, public transportation has centered on bus and train routes, but over the years ridership has declined. Bus routes are not always suitable for commuters, and rail services haven’t kept up with some population growth areas. Today, the choice is greater. From e-Scooters to shuttle services, the options are vast. There are also numerous ways to get about by car, without owning one. Car subscription services, carsharing, carpooling, car lending, ride-hailing, to name a few. These all come under the umbrella of “Mobility as a Service” (MaaS) solutions. Many of these solutions are spreading from urban to rural areas, enabling the further reduction of single purpose vehicle use.

Encouraging MaaS take-up can help companies meet sustainable and smart transport goals. Incentives are a start, but incentives alone will not overcome the convenience of single purpose vehicles.

Putting corporate mobility into action

The more convenient the solution, the more likely it is that employees will be keen to get onboard. But company culture also plays a big role. Flexible work schedules, change management initiatives, and leadership examples are important factors in a corporate mobility strategy. Communication is also key. Often, employees just don’t consider travel alternatives. For example, they might not realize how close they live to a colleague, and that they could share their work commute. Shining the spotlight on corporate mobility gets people thinking.

The traditional model of company car ownership for executives is already becoming less attractive. Instead, corporations are seeking more convenient, cost-effective, on-demand solutions. With many companies also under financial scrutiny and facing increasing pressure to become more sustainable, shared mobility solutions make a lot of sense. It’s important however, that solutions are not biased towards employees with certain addresses. If a corporate mobility solution is to be successful, it needs to be inclusive, with options for everyone, including those in rural locations.

The critical role of data

Data is the key driver in a successful corporate mobility strategy. This model of transportation is usage-based, and accurate data is necessary to determine who uses what, and when. Many insurance companies are today working with MaaS providers to deploy highly innovative products for both the consumer and corporates utilizing MaaS solutions. Greater Than is at the forefront of some of these development projects.

With our pattern AI at the heart, we can convert GPS data into a Crash Probability Score or Climate Impact Score, opening the door for many usage-based solutions. Typical features might include cost per mile/km, calendars of availability, driver logs, and insurance cost per trip. Per-second analysis of the driving habits of vehicle users gives mobility providers control over risk and insurance costs.

Evaluating business needs

How do you use vehicles in your business? Corporate needs are varied and many. From salespeople traveling to appointments in company cars to mobile repair technicians attending jobs or making deliveries in light or heavy vehicles. Technology is revolutionizing these models that have not changed in decades.

Salespeople can eliminate or dramatically reduce single vehicle use by utilizing corporate mobility solutions. I once achieved seven appointments in one day in Washington DC completely on the Metro, using a single pass that I purchased centrally. Today, MaaS solutions are radically improving routing capabilities and vehicle utilization for different fleets. In the coming years there will be an even higher demand for AI technology to enable these activities.

Influencing the bottom line

Good mobility innovations have the capability to influence the bottom line. Some savings are headline savings such as reduced fuel costs, reduced carbon emissions, or reduced insurance costs. Some are more subtle, such as corporate image or employee morale. Demonstrating that your company not only puts safety and sustainability first, but also supports multiple convenient transportation modes, is a great engagement tool.

Stubbornly high insurance costs can also be challenged with corporate mobility. Using technology that enables you to better manage your exposure and risk is valuable in many ways. Helping to drive down insurance costs and ensure you pay for what you use is one major benefit. AI is the enabler for such solutions.

Mobility of the future

Implementing a corporate mobility strategy can be an excellent way to demonstrate your commitment to safety and sustainability. It can also be a useful way of engaging employees in your culture of safety and corporate responsibility. Some key employee benefits can be spending less time in traffic, eliminating parking and vehicle fueling, adding efficiencies to their workday, and improving their travel experiences.

Each step towards an evolving corporate mobility plan is positive, for companies large and small. And, of course, putting customer needs first is sure to be good for insurance profitability and driver risk management. Our AI is a facilitator for multiple mobility solutions, enabling mobility providers to develop solutions for consumers and corporates.

Contact Greater Than or book a meeting with me to learn how we can provide solutions to support your corporate mobility strategy.