Smart Eye and Greater Than Reveal the Extent to Which ADDW Alerts Influence Driver Risk Read press release
13 February 2017

Greater Than tidigarelägger bokslutskommunikén

Greater Than informerar om att bolaget kommer offentliggöra bokslutskommunikén till marknaden imorgon den 14 feb 2017.

Tidigare kommunicerat datum för rapporten var den 22 februari men nu kommer rapporten släppas istället den 14 februari. Anledningen är att rapporten har blivit färdigställd tidigare än planerat.

Liselott Johansson, VD Greater Than AB

070 – 654 20 58

About Greater Than

Greater Than, with over 12 years of experience in connected cars, has analysed billions of kilometres of live driving data and developed services for drivers that contribute to safer and more environmentally friendly driving. Greater Than’s technology, based on machine learning, has raised artificial intelligence to a new level as we continuously train the algorithms based on millions of automated decisions every day. The foundation for the set of algorithms that assess- and price risk in real-time, has created an opportunity for a new business model for car insurances.