Smart Eye and Greater Than Reveal the Extent to Which ADDW Alerts Influence Driver Risk Read press release
18 March 2022

Greater Than partners with ABAX, providing AI components for specialized SME fleets, aiming at the #1 position in Europe

Greater Than ABAXGreater Than (GREAT.SE), the data analytics company and leading provider of AI DriverDNAs, today announced a partnership with ABAX, one of the largest telematics companies in Europe. Greater Than’s role in the long-term partnership is to provide technology and solutions to support ABAX scale rapidly. The work commences immediately with adding over 200 000 vehicles to the Enerfy platform which will impact Greater Than’s revenues already in 2022.

With operations in six countries in Europe and an ever-growing customer base, ABAX will, through the partnership, broaden its portfolio of connected offerings for small, and medium sized fleets. Within the collaboration, Greater Than delivers its patented AI-based risk analysis with associated products for pricing of risk and CO2 savings. ABAX will gradually offer the technology to its customer base.

With over 18 years of experience, Greater Than is a pioneer in AI analysis of real-time forecasting of accident probability and CO2 consumption per driver. We are proud to have ABAX onboard on the AI data analysis platform and supporting ABAX achieving their market aspirations”, – says Liselott Johansson, CEO of Greater Than

“The collaboration with Greater Than and the integration of their AI analysis and risk pricing models will add significant value for ABAX.”, – says Morten Strand, CEO of ABAX

The partnership will combine ABAX’s ability to use and provide connected offerings for vehicle fleets with Greater Than’s capabilities to transmit vehicle data via API connectivity into Greater Than’s cloud-based AI data analytics.

This disclosure contains information that Greater Than is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014) and the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 2022-03-18 kl. 12.44.

For media inquiries, contact

Eva Voors, Chief Communications Officer, Greater Than

+46 708 884 880

About Greater Than

Greater Than is an AI data analytics company that predicts accident probability and CO2 impact per driver in real-time, revolutionizing auto insurance pricing and new business solutions for the automotive, new mobility and fleet industries.

Our AI has experienced the equivalent of 855,000 man-years of real driving and has to date discovered over 7 billion unique driver DNAs: learning that makes it the most experienced AI driver in the world.

Greater Than is appointed as an InsurTech100 company and has been named Provider of AI Automotive Product of the year, 2021. Greater Than (GREAT.SE) is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. FNCA Sweden AB is the Company’s Certified Adviser, +46 (0) 8-528 00 399, Learn more at

About ABAX

ABAX provide sustainable solutions for a connected world. Backed by Investcorp, ABAX is one of the leading companies in Europe within the telematics and IoT industries. Through smart solutions, ABAX connects your workspace by offering a variety of products and services. These services enable businesses to boost productivity, reduce costs while keeping oversight, and also increase performance among leaders and employees. All solutions are offered and delivered as Software-as-a-Service. ABAX has 300 employees and offices in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Poland. The company headquarters are based in Larvik, Norway.