Smart Eye and Greater Than Reveal the Extent to Which ADDW Alerts Influence Driver Risk Read press release
Portrait Anders Lindelöf CTO and co-founder at Greater Than

Anders Lindelöf

Employed: 2004
Born: 1972
Education: Electrical Engineer, Stockholm Institute of Technology.
Shareholding: 100,824 (last change 4/9 2019 +125 shares)
Independent vis-à-vis the company and major shareholders: Yes/Yes

Anders Lindelöf is the co-founder of Greater Than and our CTO. He is also the 7-patent inventor of the algorithms for the Enerfy platform. As our CTO, Anders leads all aspects of Greater Than’s technological strategy and business development and drives technological innovation for our customers and us globally. Before Greater Than, Anders held several leading positions in strategic development at Tele2, Icon Medialab, and Basset Telecom Solutions, a global provider of advanced software products. Anders has extensive experience in business development and technological innovations and invents business-critical solutions for future-proof business models.


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