Smart Eye and Greater Than Reveal the Extent to Which ADDW Alerts Influence Driver Risk Read press release
Black and white profile image of Jan-Elof Cavander

Jan-Elof Cavander

Director of Greater Than since: 2025
Born: 1985
Education: M.Sc. (Tech.) Industrial Engineering and Management, Tampere University of Technology
Shareholding in Greater Than: 0
Independency to the company and its major shareholders: Yes/No

Jan-Elof Cavander, Chief Financial Officer at Purmo Group, with extensive experience within worldwide businesses, finance, performance management, corporate strategy, M&A and joint ventures.

Jan Elof will shortly take up a new role as Chief Operating Officer at Virala Corporation. Through its Swedish subsidiary Nidoco AB’s investment vehicle Cuarto AB, Virala Corporation is the second-largest shareholder in Greater Than, holding approximately 20% of the company.

With this new recruitment to the Board, Alexander Ehrnrooth, President & CEO of Virala Group, demonstrates strong and ongoing support for Greater Than.

Jan-Elof is also a member of the Board of Directors in L-Fashion Group Oy.


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